What is this blog?

Originally I created this blog as an outlet for my fashion choices. I have now chosen to use it as a way of expressing whatever I wish to say to the world, causing me to have random breaks away from here but also what I like to think as a build up to more creative content.

e.g. outfits, experiences, my own opinions, anxiety etc

If you disagree with any opinions express, or if I am simply just wrong, please speak up.

If my content seems to be copying someone elses, please speak up, this will have been by accident, but I'd rather take it down or have the permission of another rather than stealiing. It's not cool, okay?

However, on a lighter note, my blog is progressing more and more into a place I can feel proud of, a place where I can go "I made this myself". I hope you enjoy this progression as much as I am.

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Thank you for commenting! I always reply and I love to read your comments! have a nice day :)